Our generation needs a conception of wealth that empowers us to live by our Values -- not one that promotes personal gain at the cost of those values.
In our capitalist society, money is seen as the solution to any problem. This perception of money fuels our obsession with gaining more and more of it.
When we believe money can solve anything, create anything, change everything, money is treated like a god.
Self-help gurus tell us to pray to money and use our creative faculties to ‘Manifest’ more of it, as if more money will bring goodness and wholeness to our lives.
Personal finance influencers tell us to budget and invest, leading us to believe that money is best used for the creation of more money, without regard for the other opportunities that money could represent.
We are exhausted by our anxious pursuit of money. We are frustrated by its false promises. We are wondering if money is worth it anymore.
The Zeneration Wealth community believes…
Wealth is not riches.
Wealth is Health, Peace of Mind, Well Being, Courageousness, Community, Collaboration, and Trust.
The accumulation of money is not a noble pursuit on its own, unless it is in service of your purpose and values.
The pursuit of money (or lack of money) is not a valid justification for our shortcomings or behaviors.
Money shares your duties and responsibilities.
The way you spend your money reflects your values and commitments in life.
The popular version of wealth that I see around me is an idea that is being sold to me. I get to decide for myself what I value.
By knowing my Values, I can make better decisions about how I spend my money and my time.
Your net worth is not your self worth
You can live a good life without being a millionaire.
Money cannot guarantee or promise anything, without having the confidence of financial literacy to back it up.
The sacrifices made for acquiring money are not always worth it.
The physical or emotional cost of your labor in exchange for money should be equal to the opportunity created by the money acquired.
When I share my Values and Goals with others, I create stronger relationships and opportunities for collaboration.
If you have your own thoughts on the ideas above, do not hesitate to comment or send an email to ZenerationWealth@Gmail.com